Lucy Lockheart

Lucy Lockheart

Helen Latham as Lucy Lockheart
First appearance Break Away
(episode 4.01)
Last appearance Finale
(episode 5.08)
Created by Maureen Chadwick
Ann McManus
Portrayed by Helen Latham
Gender Female
Occupation Fashion designer
Family Unnamed mother
Spouse(s) Bruno Milligan (invalid marriage)
Tremaine Gidigbi (lover)
Children Angelica Milligan (daughter)
Unborn child

Lucy Lockheart (previously Milligan) is a fictional character on ITV British dramas Footballers' Wives and Footballers' Wives: Extra Time, played by English actress Helen Latham.


Series 4

Lucy is married to Bruno Milligan. Lucy makes the picture-perfect footballers’ wife: she’s intelligent, ambitious, bubbly, and outgoing. But appearances are often deceptive; Lucy’s happy-go-lucky exterior is a thin veneer that masks her tempestuous relationship with a husband who believes she can't do anything right. Devoted wife and mother Lucy puts up with an awful lot in exchange for the stable and secure future that his vast salary as a footballer has assured.

One of the many things Lucy has given up is her dream of recognition as a fashion designer. Although she often wears her own creations, Bruno constantly derides her individual and eclectic taste. Over the years, he has constantly ground away at her self-esteem: although she has fiery bursts of determination in which she resolves to leave him, he always manages to talk or threaten her into staying. He even burned her clothes after she bought new ones without his approval.

At one point, Lucy finally had enough and planned her and her daughter's escape. Over the Internet she met Dr. Giles Arrowsmith, who seems like the man of her dreams! Meanwhile, Bruno gave her a lovely necklace, but over lunch with Amber, a "lucky accident" with it revealed the tracking device Bruno had placed in it! Lucy confronted Bruno and fought over it. Lucy told Bruno she was leaving, and packed her and Angelica's bags. She went looking for Angelica so they could leave, but found Bruno and Angelica cozily watching a video. Angelica asked where Mummy was going, Bruno answered "Mummy isn't going anywhere. She wouldn't leave without you, would she?" That seemed to be that; the Milligans went ahead with hosting the shooting party at their home the next day. but Lucy suddenly recognized this could be the perfect time to escape. During the middle of the party, she told Bruno she felt ill had to go inside to lie down. Bruno was suspicious at first, but let her leave Angelica in the care of Amber Gates. Amber was in on the plan and suggests a stroll through the stables to visit the Milligans' horses - Bruno agreed. Meanwhile Lucy had packed all of her and Angelica's clothes and built a rope out of sheets which she used to climb down because she couldn't escape from the front door without Bruno or someone else seeing her. Amber brought Angelica around to the back to meet her. Lucy grabbed Angelica and they ran off while Amber returned to the house. When Bruno asked where Angelica was, Amber said she was picking flowers for her mother. Bruno sensed something was wrong and rushed upstairs. He went into Angelica's room and found that all her clothes are gone. Meanwhile Lucy and Angelica changed clothes in a bathroom. Lucy noticed a watch on Angelica's wrist and when she asked where it came from, Angelica's response was that her dad gave it to her. Lucy took the watch off and stomped on it, revealing that this jewelry too had a tracking device inside. Bruno went onto his computer, but with devices destroyed, he could get nowhere with his search for them.

Lucy took Angelica to Arrowsmith's house. He was charming and sweet and told her he'd take care of her. The first night was relaxing enough, but the next morning Lucy found him putting bars on the windows. He explained that it was for her and Angelica's safety. When Lucy finds a photo of him with a woman, he said she was his fiancee Magda before she died in a car crash. However, he started to act weird and called her Magda. He forced her to put on "her" wedding dress. Scared, Lucy tries to escape, but the windows are barred, the doors are locked and the phone line had been cut. Arrowsmith drugged Lucy, put the dress on her, and put her through a mock wedding ceremony. He then dragged Lucy and Angelica outside and put them in a car, telling "Magda" he had the death-wreck car restored. His plan is to re-enact the accident so he can die too. When Lucy pleaded with him there had to be another way, he agreed and proceeded to lock the three of them in the car, turn it on, and let them die of carbon-monoxide inhalation.

Extra Time - Series 1

After being in the car for a while, Giles wakes up and comes to his senses. He decides to release Lucy and Angelica before it's too late. Lucy and Angelica catch a cab back to their house. Lucy is guilt-ridden for running off with Giles and becomes more determined than ever to make their marriage work. She's also guilt-ridden because in his quest to find her and Angelica, Bruno showed up at what he thought was Giles' house with Conrad Gates. When Conrad realized that they had the wrong house, he rushed to tell Bruno, but Bruno mistook Conrad for Giles and shot him, killing him almost instantly. In order to make him take her back, Lucy agrees to tell the police that she was with Bruno all day so the police don't find out that he killed Conrad.

Series 5

Lucy's in for a shock at their 'Pride and Prejudice'-themed vow-renewal: Bruno was actually still married to his first wife Joly Salter, the mother of his now-teenage twins! Scared that Lucy will find out the truth, he arranges to meet Joly at a hotel to make arrangements. However, Bruno's phone rings a text, causing Lucy to pick it up and read a message from her. Lucy suspects that Bruno is meeting Joly for one last fling before the ceremony, but it isn't the case at all. Joly was there to get Bruno to sign some papers pertaining to their divorce settlement - a swanky apartment in Kensington. On the day of the ceremony, Lucy waits for Bruno to leave so she can confront Joly. She is stunned when she learns that Bruno and Joly aren't having an affair, they've been getting a divorce. Lucy arrives at the ceremony, but instead of walking down the aisle with her father, she angrily stomps towards Bruno and slaps him repeatedly, announcing to their guests that her so-called husband is a bigamist!

Wanting to get to the bottom of her husband Conrad's death, she moves onto Bruno (even though Lucy is her friend). Lucy is disgusted with this and moves with her daughter to the home of Harley Lawson's ex-wife Shannon Donnelly-Lawson. Lucy also begins receiving attention on her designs. Soon however, she realizes what Amber is up to and arranges to meet with her. Bruno and Lucy are horrified to learn that Amber knows that Bruno killed Conrad. Lucy also discovers that Amber is trying to get Bruno to kill himself, so she quickly phones him pretending that Angelica is ill so he will drop his plan and rush to them.

Later in the season, Lucy and Bruno reunited when they were drunk. The morning after though, Lucy greatly regrets sleeping with her husband again and she is even more horrified when she realises that she is pregnant. She wants to abort the child, but Bruno refuses to let her. At the end of the series, Lucy moves back in with Bruno to give their marriage another chance for their unborn child's sake. As the final series ends, we wonder why Lucy is asking a doctor whether the ultrasound can tell her what color her child is - this suggests that she's been having an affair with Tremaine Gidigbi.

Extra Time - Series 2

Angelica disappears on a walk in the park with pregnant Lucy.